McComb High School Scholars Won First Place in 5 of 9 Categories at Tougaloo College

Scholars and Specialists from the Jobs for Mississippi Graduates (McComb High School Chapter) attended and participated in the 29th Annual Career Development Competition (CDC) at Tougaloo College. The scholars participated in nine of the ten categories which were judged.
Congratulations to the McComb High Scholars for winning first place in the following categories:
- JAG Bowl
- Creative Decision Making
- Business Plan
- Employability Skills
Scholars also participated in the following:
- PBL-Project Based Learning
- JMG Scholarship for Seniors
- Financial Literacy
- Prepared Speaking
The Jobs for Mississippi Graduates (McComb High School Chapter) is taught by Teacher Practitioners Patricia Watkins and Celester Hall.
Provided by the McComb School District Community Engagement Department.

The McComb School District completes all teaching experience/employment verifictions through Verifent.